Call for Speakers 2023

Submit to Speak at the Amusement 360 Events – January 27, 2023 Deadline

Become a Speaker

In order to provide the best educational content possible to our attendees, we are holding a Call For Speakers. Over the last 10 years, we’ve helped hundreds of operators learn how to properly open new attractions and improve operations. This is only possible with the help of expert guest speakers.

Last year in 2022, about 50% of attendees were new startups and 50% were existing facilities. If you have a presentation topic that would benefit the audience (new or existing operators), please click the link below to submit it. You can submit up to 4 topic ideas for our consideration.

Deadline for Submission: January 27, 2023

Each presentation should include specific examples/stories and actionable takeaways (not just high level philosophy). These are 30 minute presentations and they should be focused on education (this is not a sales pitch).

Topic Ideas

We’re looking for relevant, new, and innovative content that will impact operators right now or help them navigate the future. For 2023, our theme for this event series is Serve. Employee retention is more difficult than ever, and customer expectations are higher than ever. We want to help operators bring a servant leadership mentality to their businesses so they can serve their staff, their customers, and their community at a higher level.

Here are some ideas that we feel would fit our program:

  • Cash flow and accounting best practices for existing operators
  • Financing for new startups in this business climate
  • Growing group, corporate, and private party sales
  • Digital and social media marketing
  • Special events (and marketing these events)
  • Hiring and training staff
  • Delivering an amazing guest experience with limited staff
  • Building a positive company culture when everyone feels overworked
  • Liability and customer safety
  • Strategies for catering to adult demographics
  • Strategies for overcoming the 1 year slump (end of “honeymoon” phase)
  • How to sell and market on value instead of price
  • Productivity improvements for managers and owners
  • Leadership and personal growth for managers and owners

*These are non-paid speaking opportunities.

**A submission does not guarantee a speaking role. All submissions will be reviewed by the Creative Works team, and speakers for April will be notified by February 10, 2023. If you have questions, please email

Amusement 360: The Education Program for Startups and Operators

We believe in the power of continual education to fuel ambitious operators and entrepreneurs. Amusement 360 is a multi-faceted education program that empowers these operators to level up their businesses and their lives. The main pillar of this program is the 360 Event, where we bring operators, vendors, and experts together for 3 unforgettable days.

We will have two 360 Events in 2023:

  • April 25-27, 2023 – This is an in-person event that will be held in Indianapolis, IN
  • September 19-21, 2023 – This is an in-person event that will be held in Indianapolis, IN